What better thing to get me blogging again then the festival of MICHAELMAS!
It is one of my favorites in the Waldorf tradition. It is the festival that recognizes the change from the external world to the internal one. We are meant to recognize aspects of ourselves or of our life that need refinement... A time to tame our inner dragons and then to rise victorious in the spring.
Fall is my most challenging time on Maui. I miss the energy that I got every year from the changing seasons. The autumn days of Colorado were a signal to me to begin baking, sewing, and preparing for the upcoming winter days. But on Maui I have to be much more disciplined with this. Last fall I just let it all go and I went where ever maui took me. But this year I find that I need to reclaim some of my favorite seasonal rituals.
Since Michaelmas is the time when we are to look within ourselves to defeat our own inner dragons, I will seize this as my opportunity as well. Back to baking, creating, and blogging, and taming my inner dragons...
Even in the land of summer...
Autumn Blessing:
Brave and true will I be,
Each good deed sets me free,
Each kind word makes me strong.
I will fight for the right!
I will conquer the wrong!
Sword of Michael brightly gleaming,
Down to earth its light is streaming,
May we see its shining rays
In the Winter's darkest days.
Here are links to some our Michaelmas Celebrations past 2009, 2010, 2011, and 2012